Get connected to nearby locksmiths in your area

Locksmith Star is a 24-hour locksmith dispatch service. We locate & connect you to trained locksmiths in your area.

How it works

1. Call Us

Call us and explain the type of lock service that you need to get a free quote

2. Connect

Get connected with an expert local locksmith that is nearest to your location

3. Service

An experienced locksmith will arrive to your location on time to provide services

24-hour professional nationwide locksmith dispatch service

Looking for a locksmith? Get connected with a nearby locksmith that is ready to provide affordable service

Locksmith Star is a nationwide 24-hour locksmith dispatch service. We also provide lock, safety & security consultancy services based on the wealth of experience and expertise we have accumulated in the locksmith industry.
Quality service is what makes us stand out from other locksmith dispatch services. Our services run 24 hours a day, making us the most reliable consultant for emergency lock solutions ranging from auto, home & business locksmith services.

  Lockout services             $50 – $199
 Lock change                 $50 – $199
 Lock re-key                    $34 – $149
 Car key making             $135 – $499
 Program key fob           $100 – $499
 Car key extraction         $135 – $299
 Fix car ignition              $120 – $499
 Unlock safe                    $80 – $399

Disclaimer: Prices above include $15 trip charge. Prices above are not fixed. An accurate estimate will be given by the locksmith after assessing the situation.

How it works


Locked out of your car? Do you need another car key? Locksmith Star can assist you today. We'll connect you to nearby auto locksmiths in your area to provide affordable locksmith services.


Locked out of your house? Do you need to re-key your house? Locksmith Star can connect you with the perfect residential locksmith in your area to get the job done right the first time.


Looking to upgrade or fix your business security? Locksmith Star can assist you by getting you an experienced business locksmith that fits your commercial lock & security needs.

Why choose us?

24-hour phone support

Contact us in any emergency situation

Vast locksmith network

Get connected in your local area today

Honest & experienced

Get accurate up-front rates and info

Fast immediate service

Staying on-time is our top priority



Need a locksmith ASAP?

Get a locksmith at your service in no time!

Contact us

Corporate office:
201 West 106th st, New York, NY 10025

(800) 868-7009

About us

Locksmith Star is a 24-hour dispatch service. We locate and connect you with highly skilled locksmiths in your area that are ready to assist.

Locksmith Services

Locksmith Services

Locksmith Services